Data Warehousing Benefits

Top 10 Benefits of Data Warehouse & Why You Need It Now

Did you know that a data warehouse is not just for large enterprises ?

Even when you are a small team, an SME, a startup or scale-up, a data warehouse brings tremendous value. Setting up a data warehouse can be done in minutes, at a very low cost. Here are 10 benefits of a data warehouse for every business,

1. Multiple teams need access to data

Many companies start off with “just” Power BI, no data warehouse. That works until multiple people or teams need to do their own analysis. You need a single source of truth, and make sure everyone is looking at the same data.

2. Power BI is great, but you also want to crunch data in Excel

At some point you want to dive deeper into your data and dashboards are not enough. Excel remains the number 1 tool to work with data, but doing export/import all the time is not efficient. Thanks to a data warehouse, you can have the exact same data in real-time in Excel.

3. You want to try out Machine learning

Did you know that you can apply machine learning on your data with easy templates ? With little effort, you can predict product stock levels, sales, visitors in a store etc. A data warehouse allows you to “train” the ML model using your historic data.

4. You need to combine data from different sources

In order to get useful insights, you need to combine data from multiple sources, for example combine CRM customer data and accounting data. Combining data can only be done efficiently in a data warehouse, because it requires a few “in between” transformation steps, e.g. to match records from different sources.

5. You need to enrich or clean your data

Perfect data does not exist. In many cases you have to clean your data, such as customer addresses. Or you want to enrich your data with external APIs. With a platform such as Peliqan, you can easily get external data and add it to tables in your data warehouse.

6. You need to retrieve data from exotic sources: SFTP, MQTT, SMPT…

Sometimes the data that you want needs to come from – ahum – an “exotic” source. That could be SFTP, SMTP, MQTT, EDI etc. BI tools don’t handle that well. Instead you need to get your data into a data warehouse first, so it becomes easy to handle.

7. You want to include “Small data”: Excel files, Email attachments

We always talk about Big Data, but there’s a huge amount of company knowledge contained in so called “Small Data”. That means Excel files, emails, email attachments, files on cloud storage etc.

This is another category of data that BI tool do not handle well. A platform such as Peliqan helps you to get Small Data into your data warehouse.

8. You want to exchange data with partners & publish APIs

At some point you might want to share relevant information in an automated fashion with partners, suppliers and customers. A great way to do that is by publishing API endpoints that share selected data points in a secure fashion. This data can be prepared and made available in a data warehouse, so that the API endpoints can fetch it without additional complexity.

9. You need to send out customized reports (PDF, Excel) via email

Dashboards only have impact when they’re actually being looked at. Instead, you sometimes need to push custom reports into the mailbox of your audience, for example as PDF or Excel attachment. You guessed it, this is another reason to prepare the data in a data warehouse. Next, low-code can help you to get those emails out efficiently.

10. Data syncs

Last but not least: a data warehouse is the perfect centralized location to help you synchronize data between business applications. For example, you might want to sync customer data from your CRM into your accounting software. By using so-called “Reverse ETL”, you can set up this sync using the data warehouse as the central facilitator. And yes, this is also available inside Peliqan.

In conclusion

A data warehouse will dramatically increase your ability to be data-driven. With a platform such as Peliqan, your data warehouse can be live in 10 minutes (really !) at a surprisingly low cost. Try Peliqan now!