In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital transformation, the question arises: Can low/no-code be the catalyst for organizations to embrace a data-driven culture and mitigate talent shortages in IT departments? While some may view it as a solution to talent scarcity, the true power of low code lies in employee empowerment and business agility.
The traditional notion that only IT professionals possess the skills to build digital solutions is becoming outdated. In today’s tech-savvy environment, employees across departments are increasingly capable of leveraging technology. Enabling low or no-code tools breaks down the barriers, allowing individuals to automate tasks and build applications without relying solely on the IT department. This shift fosters a culture of innovation and efficiency throughout the entire organization.
As markets change and disruptions become more frequent, organizations must adapt swiftly. Relying solely on the IT department for every digital need is no longer viable. Low/no-code solutions empower business units to drive digitalization, reducing the burden on IT departments and enabling them to focus on critical tasks such as system security and stability.
To address talent shortages, organizations need to recognize that digital talent exists beyond the IT department. By providing tools and support to individuals with technical aptitude, businesses can tap into a broader pool of skills. The role of IT departments evolves from being a support unit to becoming a strategic partner, guiding the organization in navigating the digital landscape.
While empowering business users to develop applications is crucial, there are risks associated with unmanaged and unsecured applications. To avoid the chaos of a digital ‘jungle,’ collaboration between IT and business units is essential. Establishing common understanding and guidelines ensures that low/no-code tools are used responsibly with proper governance.
Citizen developers are building a diverse range of applications, from optimizing business processes to digitizing services for enhanced customer orientation. The speed of delivery offered by low code enables agile requirement gathering, allowing for rapid iterations and improvements based on user feedback.
In conclusion, the adoption of low/no-code tools goes beyond addressing talent shortages; it is a strategic move towards creating a culture of data-driven decision-making and business agility. Embrace the transformation, empower your teams, and unlock the full potential of your organization in the digital era.
Piet-Michiel Rappelet is a founder of Peliqan. Before Peliqan, Piet-Michiel co-founded, a no-code iPaaS integration platform. was acquired by Qlik in 2020 and Piet-Michiel became Director of Product Management Foundational Services at Qlik. Piet-Michiel’s primary interest is in scaling SaaS software and rolling out customer-oriented service teams. Piet-Michiel holds a Masters degree in mathematics, he lives with his wife and two kids in Belgium.