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Popular SaaS connectors
Do you often export CSV and import into Excel ? One-time exports are not a repeatable solution.
You need a real-time interactive data layer to explore, combine and share data.
Whether you are in Revenue Ops, Marketing Ops, Finance Ops or any other “Ops” team, you need instant access to data to follow up on processes, to do ad hoc analysis, to calculate metrics and to build internal apps to share data with stakeholders.
Also Product Managers, Marketing Managers, Sales Managers, Finance Managers need to be data driven to thrive.
Peliqan is the only platform that helps Business Ops Teams to do all of the above in a self-service manner without the need for direct ERP access.
No need to call the data engineering team, no complex ETL data pipelines !
Allow teams and business users to explore and edit ERP data in a rich spreadsheet editor.
Users can work with virtual copies and add their own rows and columns with notes, new data and apply formulas similar to Excel or Google Sheets.
Peliqan allows you to easily combine ERP data with other sources, using the visual “Join editor” and “Aggregation editor”.
Power users can write SQL queries to combine data from multiple sources. You can join data from disparate data sources and share the resulting table with other users.
Need to combine data without a joined key ? No problem, Peliqan’s Magical Joins allow you to apply fuzzy matching in order to combine data sets that do not have a joined key.
Turn your ERP data into charts and dashboards with a few clicks. Share dashboards with others, publish them and embed them into webpages or documents.
Developers can implement a wide range of use cases using low-code Python scripts.
Go beyond analytics, make your ERP data interactive, perform writebacks and apply machine learning with just a few lines of code.
Enjoy direct unified data access from your code to your ERP. Write, test, run all in one place.
Build custom reports with a low-code script, based on ERP data and distribute them as Excel files or PDF documents.
Use low-code Python to write updates into your ERP, for example update sales order in Odoo based on eCommerce transactions.
Reconcile data, for example ERP sales orders and transactions from payment gateways (Stripe, Paypal, Klarna etc). Next, visualize the results in Peliqan or your own BI tool.
Analyze your data with SQL or in a spreadsheet.
Enable business users with controlled self-service data access.
Create views for “human in the loop” processes.
Build custom reports in HTML, PDF…
Build internal apps using low-code Python to make datasets interactive.
Replace complex user interfaces with a targeted UI for knowledge workers.
Implement data migrations using SQL and low-code Python.
Peliqan is an all-in-one data stack on top of your SaaS apps and DBs.
Work with your data in a spreadsheet that is always up-to-date.
Create charts and visualize your data in dashboards.
Reconcile your accounting data, product data, customer data etc.
Apply machine learning models on your data with low-code python.
Implement reverse ETL flows and writebacks to send data to any SaaS.
Get real-time access to your raw data.
Get your data in a data warehouse instantly, with a few clicks.
Use SQL on your raw data to view, share and transform data.