Norges Bank Currencies
Power BI

Norges Bank Currencies Power BI connector

Instantly connect Norges Bank Currencies to Power BI or use any other BI tool. Combine your Norges Bank Currencies data with data from your other business applications.

See your SaaS data in a grid view

Instant data warehouse for Norges Bank Currencies

Sync Norges Bank Currencies into the Peliqan built-in data warehouse with a few clicks, and start exploring your data in Power BI. Or bring your own data warehouse. ETL data pipelines are automatically created.

Use SQL on all your SaaS data

Magical SQL to transform Norges Bank Currencies data

Explore data in a rich spreadsheet UI. Use Magical SQL to combine and transform data. SQL queries become new tables that can be shared with business users and used in any BI tool.

Microsoft Power BI screenshot

Combine and visualize your Norges Bank Currencies data in Power BI

Create data apps in minutes. Transform your business with charts, dashboards, and interactive apps. Real-time data updates ensure your team has the latest information.

Use Peliqan charts or your preferred BI tool (Power BI, Tableau, etc.) or sync with Google Sheets for easy data analysis from any source.

Peliqan Ask AI willl write your SQL queries from plain English

Let AI do the work for you

Peliqan’s AI assistant helps you to write SQL queries to get to insights fast. Ask your question in plain English and immediately see the result in Peliqan’s rich spreadsheet viewer.

We’re even adding AI assisted coding to our low-code Python editor!

Security, compliance, trust, reliability & privacy

Security, compliance with international standards (ISO 27001, SOC II type 2) and trust are our highest priorities. We invest heavily in maintaining the highest platform reliability and we host within the EU for GDPR compliance by our customers.

Ready to get instant access to all your company data ?